BTS V’s Layover Music Videos Interpretation – Love Me Again, Rainy Days, Slow Dancing

  • V, the charismatic member of BTS, has recently embarked on a solo journey with his first album, “Layover,” releasing 6 songs including “Love Me Again”, “Rainy Days”, and “Slow Dancing.”
  • In this post, we’ll explore the interpretations of the three music videos from the album, delving into the rich symbolism, literary references, and the profound emotions that V conveys through his art.
Bts v Layover album image

V, the charismatic member of BTS, has recently embarked on a solo journey with his first album, “Layover.” With six mesmerizing songs and five intriguing music videos, V takes us on a visual and emotional journey that delves deep into his artistic expression. In this post, we’ll explore the interpretations of the first three music videos from the album, delving into the rich symbolism, literary references, and the profound emotions that V conveys through his art.

1 Love Me Again: V Becomes The Mermaid Prince

V love me again
In “Love Me Again,” V transforms into a captivating mermaid princess, and the symbolism is rich with meaning.
1. The Majestic Setting: The choice of the Drach Caves of Mallorca, Spain as the backdrop for the music video is a stroke of genius. These caves, the largest underground cave system in Europe, are surrounded by rocky cliffs and underwater caves. This location mirrors the habitat of a mermaid princess, a mythical being trapped between two worlds – the land and the sea.
2. Shimmering Attire: V’s golden costume glistens like scales, further emphasizing his mermaid persona. The shimmering attire not only enhances the visual spectacle but also symbolizes the allure and the mesmerizing beauty of the mermaid.
3. Concealing the Lower Half: Throughout the video, V’s lower half is concealed, reminiscent of the classic image of a mermaid with a hidden tail. This concealment serves as a metaphor for the hidden depths of emotion and vulnerability that lie beneath the surface.
4. The Desperate Message: A pivotal moment in the video features viewers turning up the volume and using subtitles to understand V’s song. This mirrors the idea of the mermaid princess losing her voice, struggling to communicate her love. It’s a poignant commentary on the challenges of expressing deep emotions and desires, which often remain concealed and unheard.
Despite his dazzling exterior, V portrays a lonely figure trapped in a dark cave, his heartfelt pleas for love falling on deaf ears. The overwhelming sense of longing and isolation is reminiscent not only of the Little Mermaid but also of the Little Prince, who left behind a beloved rose on his tiny planet. V, through his portrayal, invites us to contemplate the universal themes of love, loneliness, and the struggle to be understood.
V love me again mermaid
BTS V's Layover Music Videos Interpretation - Love Me Again, Rainy Days, Slow Dancing mermaid 4744668 640

2 Rainy Days: V's Quest to Return to His Planet

V the princess and a fox
In “Rainy Days,” V takes on the role of the Little Prince, searching for a way back to his home planet.
1. The Symbolic TV: V watches a TV showing images of a lamb, a fox, and a rose, evoking key characters and elements from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince.” This choice is a brilliant nod to the literary source and a testament to V’s commitment to storytelling through his art.
2. Solitary Moments: V sets the table for someone who isn’t there, subtly reflecting his yearning for companionship. He even unconsciously prepares a pillow on the bed, a poignant gesture that speaks volumes about his deep desire for connection.
3. Birds and Baobabs: The appearance of V-shaped birds alludes to the Little Prince’s journey on a flock of birds to leave his asteroid. The towering Torres Blancas in Madrid and a giant tree-like structure resemble the modern Baobab tree, connecting to the themes of the original story. This visual symbolism not only pays homage to the source material but also deepens the emotional resonance of the video.
The lyrics convey V’s deep desire to be reunited with someone he misses dearly and to return to his home planet, beautifully symbolized by the rose left behind. Through this visual narrative, V invites us to reflect on the universal human experience of longing for a sense of belonging and the yearning to reconnect with something or someone precious.
The little prince
The little prince

3 Slow Dancing: V Keeps Being the Little Prince

BTS V's Layover Music Videos Interpretation - Love Me Again, Rainy Days, Slow Dancing fantasy 2750995 640
In “Slow Dancing,” V continues to embody the spirit of the Little Prince.
1. Royal Playtime: V and his friends wear crowns and engage in playful activities, mirroring the Little Prince’s interactions with the various inhabitants of the asteroids he visited. This playful imagery serves as a reminder of the innocence and wonder of childhood, a theme that resonates deeply with the character of the Little Prince.
2. The Box and the Sheep (Ship): A damaged rectangular box appears, reminiscent of the box containing a sheep that the Little Prince cared for. This box also holds a ship, drawing a phonetic connection to “sheep.” It’s a clever play on words and symbols, adding layers of meaning to the narrative.
3. Snail and Butterfly: V interacts with a snail and a butterfly, referencing a deleted portion from the original “The Little Prince” story about the Little Prince’s encounters with a snail and a butterfly hunter. This inclusion of deleted elements from the original story showcases V’s attention to detail and his commitment to faithfully capturing the essence of the source material.
4. Unique Friends: V’s friends eat flowers and work on computers at the beach, reminiscent of the strange characters the Little Prince met during his travels. These eccentric characters serve as a reflection of the diversity of human experiences and relationships, reminding us of the beauty in embracing the uniqueness of each individual.


Throughout these three music videos, V’s message is clear: he misses and longs for his fans. As a performer, V has often referred to himself as the “Little Prince” and expressed his desire to see his fans, just as the Little Prince cherished his rose. The parallels between V’s artistry and the timeless themes of literature are striking, and they invite us to explore the depths of human emotions and the power of storytelling through music and visuals.


V has indeed expressed his longing and yearning to see their fans quite a bit in the past. In his live broadcasts, V has repeatedly made requests to his fans. He mentioned that these days, there aren’t many ARMY vlogs being posted, so there’s not much to see, and he asked for more content to be created. Additionally, during live broadcasts, he expressed his longing to see his fans’ faces but lamented that he couldn’t see them and could only show his own face and hear his own voice. This sentiment particularly resonates with the portrayal of V in the “Love Me Again” music video.


As we eagerly await the release of the remaining music videos from “Layover,” one thing is certain: V’s artistry knows no bounds, and he continues to captivate us with his storytelling and musical talent. Through his work, he not only entertains but also inspires us to delve deeper into the realms of imagination, emotion, and connection. V’s “Layover” is not just an album; it’s a profound artistic journey that resonates with the hearts and minds of fans worldwide, reminding us of the enduring power of music and storytelling to touch our souls.

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